Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Feeling Hot? Just Breathe.

A friend recently sent me an article stating that June 2010 was the hottest June on record.  Well, at least I'm not going crazy! really has been as hot as it's felt.  Not surprisingly, the focus of my blog and newsletter topics of late has been staying cool and feeling refreshed in this summer heat.  I've written about cooling summer foods and staying hydrated naturally, and here's one more: you can also cool down by breathing.  Yup, it's true.  Here's a breathing technique that you can use to feel cooler right now.  Keep this one in mind for easing all kinds of heat: summer heat waves (the hottest July ever?), hot flashes, or even that hot feeling that can accompany frustration.

Breathing to Stay Cool (Shitali Pranayama)
  • Exhale completely.
  • Before you inhale, place the tip of your tongue between your upper and lower front teeth, so that your mouth does not close completely.  Curl your tongue in a U-shape between your teeth if you're able; if not, simply place the tip between your teeth.
  • Inhale deeply, feeling the cool air as it passes across your tongue, to the back of your mouth, down your throat, and beyond.  Try closing your eyes and imagining the cool air traveling throughout your body.
  • Before you exhale again, pull back your tongue and close your mouth.
  • Exhale completely through your nose.  The air exiting your body will be warmer, so exhaling through your nose will keep your mouth and throat feeling cool.
  • Continue to breathe this way -- alternate inhaling through your mouth and exhaling through your nose -- and observe your body as you cool down.

What are your tricks and tips for staying cool?  Please share.

Have you tried the Shitali Pranayama (above)?  Let us know how you like it.

Eat Well.  Live Well.  Be Well.  Breathe Well.

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