Health & Nutrition Coaching/Consultation Services

For a limited time, I am extending my offer of a FREE Health & Nutrition Strategy Session (a $50 value).  Contact me today to schedule yours!

Programs to Support Your Good Health:

TRANSFORMATION Package: 6-month Coaching Program  
(*GROUP option available, see below)

READY FOR CHANGE Package: 3-month Coaching Program
(*GROUP option available, see below)

CLEANSE MY PALATE Package: 14-day Program to Detoxify/Cleanse Your System -- A great option for helping you ease through life's transitions.

Program Details, Special Discounts and Payment Options below

The TRANSFORMATION (6-Month) and READY FOR CHANGE (3-Month) Coaching Programs provide one-on-one guidance and support to help you make lasting changes to your health and lifestyle.

You will:

  • set and accomplish goals
  • explore new foods
  • conquer your cravings
  • increase your energy
  • sleep better
  • improve personal relationships
  • feel better in your body
Both programs include 2 coaching sessions per month; notes and recommendations following each session; support between sessions; books/CDs, handouts, food samples, self-care products, and more.

*Read about GROUP coaching options below.

e CLEANSE MY PALATE Package is a 14-day program. I will guide and support you
as you prepare for, experience, and transition out of a 7- to 10-day detoxification cleanse customized for your unique goals, body, and lifestyle.

You will:
  • recharge and boost your energy
  • clear away clutter and confusion
  • reduce or eliminate food cravings
  • flush away toxins
  • feel cleaner and lighter
  • get unstuck
  • set the stage to change your relationships with food, loved ones, co-workers, yourself, and exercise / physical activity
  • this is also a great program to support your body during seasonal transitions 
And rest assured: any cleanse we design for you will involve you eating food every single day.  A cleanse does not have to be a fast.

*GROUP OPTION: Do you have a group of friends/family/co-workers who would like to sign up together for a group coaching program?  Getting support is one of the best actions we can take to help us make lasting health and lifestyle changes. 

If you provide the group (at least 4 people), I'd be happy to offer either the TRANSFORMATION or READY FOR CHANGE Package as a Group Program

You will receive guidance and support from me in addition to the support from your community of friends/family.  Extra support at a discounted investment from you! 
Each member of the group will receive a 15% DISCOUNT off the normal investment of the individual program.

15% DISCOUNT for family, students, and
YOU (if you sign up with a partner/friend).

Location is NOT a limiting factor.
work with clients across the country via phone (or skype).

Extended payment options are available.
Let’s work together to make this happen for you!