Thursday, June 10, 2010

June is National Iced Tea Month! -- Who Knew?

One of my loyal readers (thank you!) just informed me that June 10, 2010 is National Iced Tea Day.

When I checked it out online, I discovered that not only is today Iced Tea Day, but June is National Iced Tea Month. So, why don't you give my Hibiscus-Mint-Chamomile Iced Tea a try. I just made a batch last night -- it is so tasty and refreshing! Enjoy.

Has anyone tried the Hibiscus Iced Tea yet?

What's your favorite kind of iced tea? 

Let us know...comment below to share your own recommendations.

Eat Well.  Live Well.  Be Well.  Sip Well.


  1. That sounds wonderful. I have mint and chamomile growing in the garden so I just need to get my hands on some hibiscus. I really enjoy just straight peppermint iced tea, particularly after a run.

    I was also thinking that some herbal iced tea would be a nice summer treat for Finn (my 19 month-old), a fun and hydrating alternative to just water.

  2. Oh, Sadie, I'm so jealous! No garden here at my apartment, so I have to buy all my herbs. Fresh mint and chamomile sound wonderful.

    Let us know if Finn gets into your iced tea :)

  3. Hmmm yummy now I want to run to the park and have a picnic. I'm drinking hot tea right now even thought it's 97 degrees in Miami. I'm such an idiot sometimes... but I love the way it makes my sickie throat feel. *Raises her tea cup* Cheers!

  4. Annah, I'm with you. I drink hot tea all year long. One of my favorites when I'm not feeling well is to slice up some fresh ginger root (~1/4-1/2 inch piece) and crush it in the bottom of a mug with a few slices of lemon. Pour water over. Let steep for at least 5 minutes (I usually leave the ginger and lemon in while I drink). And sweeten with honey, if you like. Very soothing and warming for your throat. Feel better soon.
