Monday, April 26, 2010

Healthy Junk Food?

I have been doing a Spring Greens Cleanse since last week, and the food on this cleanse mostly comprises greens and spring veggies (kale, arugula, fennel, watercress, asparagus) and some lighter grains (quinoa and millet). I love all that stuff, so it’s been really fun and I feel great eating all this seasonal food.

But this morning I cheated (sshhhhhhhh!) and enjoyed a bowl of junk food: some leftover quinoa reheated with stewed apples and cranberries, and topped with cinnamon, cloves, and sunflower seeds. I just started laughing out loud because of how guilty I feel that eating this food was cheating. Now don’t get me wrong. My version of cheating is not always this annoying… I LOVE chocolate (here’s one place to get your lovely raw chocolate) and I’ve been known to indulge in a bison burger with bacon and bleu cheese from time to time as well.

Since this morning, I've been thinking about how subjective the concept of “junk food” is, and that it is certainly relative to what our normal diet is at any given time. Even though when I say “junk food” you may instantly think about pizza, chips, and candy bars, I bet we all have a few healthy favorites that feel like junk food. (If not, I'll begin writing some recipe posts soon, so stay tuned for those!)

What’s your healthy “junk food”?  Can this healthy treat of yours become your “go-to junk food”?

I’m not sure that we can (or should) do it all the time, but if every once in a while we can substitute one of those bacon-bleu burgers for a nice home-cooked meal and one of those candy bars for a homemade whole fruit-based dessert, then I think we’re headed in the right direction.

Final thought:  If you’ve just got to have that junk food you’re craving, then what about this… Consider making your junk food at home. Homemade food is always better for us than whatever we might buy at the gas station or fast food restaurant -- at least you know what’s in there! And, if you have to make it yourself, you’re less likely to give in to that junk food craving every time it rears its ugly head. But if you do give in every once in a while and indulge in that pizza or candy bar, then be sure to take your time and enjoy it without guilt -- otherwise, it's just not worth it.

Eat Well.  Live Well.  Be Well.

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